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What a fantastic game! Loved the sciencey stuff a lot, and the art is gorgeous!

i don't know if this is a bug, i'm playing now as Mint and ent to the door with the code, i can't get out of that room. (I had to look up the code so I could continue playing).


The code is 313  this help you for the end B

(1 edit)

This was honestly a fun little game! The art was beautiful and the story was very interesting (and the story progression was done very well! Plus, I had a lot of fun with the different dialogue choices.)

[Minor spoilers for anyone who reads the comment]

I loved all of the hints about Magnolia's research and about Mint as we went through the game. It was honestly quite fascinating, although it was nice to see that Magnolia very much embraced being a mother even if nothing else really came from her research. 

It was also a lot of fun to play a character that is basically the antagonist (even if she was doing it all/mostly for Mint!) And I loved how we uncovered her past bit by bit as we searched for/found the intruders in her home. It made for a very interesting insight into who Magnolia is and what she wants out of life.
Although... it did all feel a bit sad knowing she cared about her research more than even her former relationship (especially since she and Dove looked like they were an awfully sweet married couple while they were together.)
Magnolia was just... likeable in spite of how awful of a person she is.

 The endings were so bittersweet, too. But they suited the story much more than a very happy ending. I honestly liked the whole story a lot, and both endings were a delight to get!

hello everything is fine? I really liked the UI of your game, can I use it in my project?

The kid reminds me of Neko from Oneshot.

were you get put in as mint, i ended up getting stuck at the locked door due to being unable to go through the doorway i came through for some reason :(

I haven't finished playing yet but I found a little glitch, in the beginning when you're taking mint to bed and you want to walk past his room he says "this isn't the way to my room" but after that you can keep walking forward. I went to the room with one of the intruders with Mint and since then he became kinda stuck, then when she says she needs to hide the body and suddenly Mint is awake again there's two of them. One following Magnolia as she carries the dead body and another one walking around the hallway.. just thought I'd let you know, love the game so far <3

Atmopsheric game with amazing art and soundtrack, and bittersweet endings. My only complaint is that the house is big and confusing since so many rooms are connected. Overall, great work!

And gosh.... magnolia is such a smexy silver fox!!! I love how she's a terrible person with no excuses to be made, but it doesn't stop her having some touching relationships. Her ruthlessness and strong character is charming in the end. I'm curious to know what her and mint's dynamic will be like when mint is all grown up.


Love it so much! <3 Especially the WLW representation and the concepts of being the witch instead of the intruder. But I wish it was longer because I loved the story :(

(7 edits) (+1)

 Generally- I never really get that invested into games; but my god has Symbiosis (as well as your other games) managed to worm their way into my head since I first played about 5 months ago, and since I'm at the point they've begun to just plague my every though, I thought I'd finally make an account to express that,

   (( SPOILERS ___!!!

  I’ve been so in love with Magnolia’s character for the past couple months it's insane sdahouhdasuoh

 She’s such a well layered and complex character; because hey, on one hand she's- just as a not-so-wise man once said- a cold-hearted [choice word]. but on the other hand, she’s doing a lot of the more messed up things for mint; and honestly, I’d also kill for mint. And even then- she's doing it for knowledge at the same time, so it's such a perfectly complex motive to everything that has me genuinely clawing at my hair at the thought of. Dove and Magnolia’s relationship honestly seemed so cute (while it lasted, at least ;skull;) just from those few cutscenes alone; and as much as I would’ve wanted them to be happy and all that nonsense, I also adore the bittersweet ending a ton and preferred it over something gushy and all that stuff- because I don't really know if that'd fit with the way they are, obviously. I did however have to take a break and go eat something after finding that wedding photo, because my GOD did that sucker punch me in the gut; I love divorced (and sad, technically? I'm not even sure anymore) WLW, especially when they're old ladies because my lord is that just the icing on top 💜💜

 All your games honestly have the perfect atmospheres, and Symbiosis only proved that fact further!! You once again managed to absolutely go above and beyond with the art, and I'm on the verge of getting the damned blue bird app to see more!!

Also, are you cool with fanart for your games?

Thank you very much for the detailed comment, I'm really happy to hear that the story stuck with you! It will probably take a while but I do want to add to the story someday!

And of course, I'll love to see fanart! 


LOVE THIS GAME!!! not only is the lgbt rep cool but the game play is fun and the story is actually cute to be honest. at least how it ended up lol, i mean mint and magnolias relationship. very sweet. I got ending A <333


I super didnt even see the lgbt tag so having a murder lesbian as a mc was a GREAT shock. after seeing how much you can bond with mint and thier relationship, its very sweet to learn shes more than just a Milf...but a milf who loves women. So awesome. barely relevant to game play but its so nice to see as a lover of these types of games. 

this is one of my most fav comment, thank you for playing! 


im so in love with this game omg


is thre a way to avoid mint from seeing the body

you can hide it on the balcony

Ok thx

(1 edit)

I absolutely love this game! <3 Such a great work ! and I got ending 1 hehehehe

Cool! got ending A, now wondering how many are

Interesting premise, really want to know what happens! For some reason when I go up the stairs, it starts a loading screen and never loads. I tried it twice already

this game has one of the best OTSs ive see

incredible keep it on

(2 edits)

Peak character design

I wonder why LGM removed (made private) this game's OSTs from YouTube, Soundcloud, and Bandcamp.




Also, its been 37 minutes and I still haven't checked ¨every nook and cranny :)¨



i made a blackout mod where i randomly deleted files and edited files i was told not to edit.

I keep having just enough time to get into it before the game freezes and I have to refresh the page, losing all my progress :(

Great game! Love the story and the art but it's too short T-T! I'm really looking forward to more games like this!


KInda late to the party sadge, but nonetheless Pretty short and amazing game! Both magnolia and Mint are so cute! collecting the diary pieces grows the character more. and you know what , nice book boobaaaa #malemoment
But imo the order in which the lore is revealed are kinda give it away too soon tho
other than that the stroy is gewd 10/10 will show dead bodies to ma kids again

amazing game! loved the dynamic between magnolia and mint and how she did all she could to raise him as a normal kid T_T  also love the cat beanie would definitely wear it too


God forbid women do anything :U


i Literally love this game so much, I've been a fan of it for a while. Its like one of my favorite games. Every so often I come back to see if there has been any updates or something.


I absolutely adored the perspective of us being the serial killer for once!

Deleted 2 years ago

this is so good! I love the style and its quality is pretty good ^^ only odd occurance I had was the books in the starting room radomly fell off the shelf mid walk when the Someones been in here dialog popped up, tho it is funny with Mints idea of ghosts so if it were a bug id keep it for that reason lol

its giving fullmetal alchemist

(1 edit) (+5)

amazing game i would kill for mint too :)


mint is cute


magnolia looks like saber from.... you already know the franchise

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

this was so interesting. so intriguing and unsettling in such a short game! really glad i played. is it still being worked on? would love to see more :D


I too would kill for Mint. This was great and I loved the character designs


I love Mint's and Magnolia's dynamic!! this game is so cute and so morally dubious which is my beloved!!! ty and all the other creators so much for this!!!


OH MY GOD, I LOVED THIS!! I absolutely fell in love with our adorable little mint!! The mother-son relationship (even with the gross stuff) is so cute!

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