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The game is really fun! Very lovely game!


OOOH this was so lovely!! The characters are so intersting and the twist? absolutely amazing!!!


Wish I could kiss michel

(1 edit)

The game isn't even complete and people are already falling in love with the characters. Kinda goes to show how good the game is (same, by the way).




i keep failing the last roll in the church raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj


i just got it FINALLY, i loved that ending wtff IT WAS SOO CUTEE EEEEEK I LOVE RAFAEL


waaaa.... super cool game

love the idea of a bureaucratic afterlife

It's a cool idea, I'll say that much.


I have oficially played 3 out of 4 of your games in less than a day. Consider me a fan. Cain is my husband now.

does anyone know what the name of the title menu bgm is?

Deleted post

this game is so awesome sauce I love ALLL ur games I'm excited for future updates and gamess ^_^


Thank you!!


I hope an ending guide is released for this soon! I have gotten the main three endings. Can't seem to work out how to get the fourth :,) This is SOOOO good :D The music is banging


Which ones did you get? I think most people missed the one where you failed the last roll in the church! Thank you! 


Ah yes! I had a feeling that was the final ending. I tried failing the roll but I just assumed it was impossible haha. Good to know it isn't. I'll have to go back today and try to get it hehe. Thanks for the guidance!


Kind of funny since for me I actually failed multiple times and kept reloading saves, I think I even got a critical failure at one point


Omfg Monday must hate you bestie :(


seriously, spicaze never fails to make an amazing game--

like, i speedran silver thread, both games, all endings yesterday, then i did all of symbiosis as well, which was pretty cool too !! (alicia, beaford, and magnolia are my favs)

anyways, i fell in love with cain so fast--

so someone, please please please, tell me the secret money glitch or whatever it is

please, i need the ring, i need rafael to marry cain so bad--

does it have something to do with the ATM? how do i get a card??


also, i've gotten 3/4 endings:

- cain disappears

- rafael and cain escape together (please let me marry cain omg)

- rafael tries to leave town too much and the guards get mad

but i've no clue how to get the last one

i think it probs has something to do with the person that's locked themselves up in that house, right? the one we can deliver the grey letter to? i tried getting a hat and makeup to make myself seem more friendly to them, but it didn't work...

if anyone has any hints/suggestions for me, i'd really love to hear them !!

(1 edit) (+3)

Thank you so much for playing all of them! Also the secret money glitch...has to do with Michel! It will take ages to actually get it for no actual gain though (The ring currently only gives you a stat boost.) so it's easier to wait for the next patch!


For the last ending, you need to fail the last roll in the church! 


Thank you !!!!

Any more detail on the money glitch?


Very fun game as usual, really kept me wanting more. I love the general vibe of the town, the music and pixelated graphics reminded me of a Pokemon game in a way.

Thank you!! 


Same, the town just gives off shady pokemon town in the best way possible. 


woahhhh this was super fun to play!!!!! i loved uncovering little parts about the story by making sure to interact with everything! i think the entire atmosphere and gameplay really adds to the story, and i also LOVE the characterization in this one! i think this is such an incredibly awesome game and i will definitely come back to check out the other endings!! :D

Thank you! I'm glad you had fun! 


Ohh I enjoyed this a ton! Your games always have a wonderful charm to them, but certain late-game facts about this game made this so right up my alley I'd be so excited to see more of this! (If you so decide to down the line!)

The concept is great, the dice mechanics were unique and really cool, and the characters really intriguing! There's a lot told through subtle details I'd love to see elaborated on down the line! A lot of my lingering questions were answered by the dev log, so I'll just cheer you on and hope to see you revisit this after some time! Thank you for making this!

My last lingering regret.... not being able to give Cain the ring... ;u;


Thank you! I did try something a little different this time so I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

I'll make sure people can do that in the next patch...


Interesting,!I like the protagonist and Monday...

Anyway, it's just fun><

Thank you!


This was so much fun to play! And it was delightfully complex for a game jam game!

I enjoyed the sense of... wrongness in the town when we start off. And the characters were so much fun to meet, even if they all seemed pretty suspicious at first 😅
Eurydice was an absolute delight, and I appreciated how helpful she was even with her rather sassy personality. Cain also made me smile with his prickly attitude.

I did kind of guess the twist early on, but it was still really interesting to uncover it at the end. (I'll have to go back and see if I can make proper friends with Monday and Michel, too. Is that how you get their information?)

I'm honestly still left with a lot of questions even with knowing about why they're all there. I'm also really looking forward to the added route in the future! 

Beautiful work, as always!


Thanks so much for streaming it!!
Haha yeah I do want to capture the essence of a mystery of a small town, I'm glad you enjoyed the characters! 

I did lay it on pretty thick so I'm happy people caught on! Monday and Michel's route is still in progress but I do want people to get more lore from them eventually! 


💜You did a great job with that!

I will be eagerly awaiting the Monday and Michel lore! 

(1 edit) (+2)

Lovely game, great work Spicaze!

Endings I've gotten (are these 3 of the 4? I'm not sure how to get the last one):

- Trying to leave too many times

- Cain disappears and Rafael's left alone

- Rafael and Cain escape

Thank you! To get the 4th ending, you have to fail the final roll in the church! 

Ahh, that’s the last one, I’ve gotten them all then!

how do you get the Rafael and Cain escape ending


AAAH YOUR GAMES SERIOUSLY NEVER MISSES ;; the visuals are amazing!! i love how each of the character looks and the colors are so so pretty, it really creates this cool atmosphere. The premise is interesting and i can't wait to see it be expanded!!

Thank you!!!


this game was really enjoyable in so many aspects, the characters were really fun to follow, especially eurydice with her fun intereactions and how she is suprisingly helpful throughout the story (my heart beat dropped the second i saw the vacant sign though i do like the foreshadowing and meaning of her name). the music was really good, especially the title sceen menu, it's so calming. the art is beautiful and the story was intriguing to follow along, the plot twists was shocking but never felt they were there for just shock and made the story more powerful (unlike in silver thread deux, the culprit felt a bit too much like they were was just made the culprit just for shock). this game is really good. 


Thank you so much! I'm really glad people enjoyed Eury! Yeah, I think the story is definitely more cohesive since Silver thread is more episodic and case 2's mystery isn't as strong. 

I wanna give Monday a big smooch so bad this game looks so good!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

aw, thank you so much!

the second i figure out how to give myself more than 167 gold before eury dies is the moment i become god i reall ywant to give cain a ring they should marry


There's actually a secret money glitch but the ring only gives a stat boost right now. Notes down to have characters comment on it next patch. 


This game is awesome!!!! Thank you for all of these games

thank you!!


i think its physically impossible for you to make a bad game!! I loved silver thread so much and all your other works!! do u have any plans to make longer game? I'd be more than happy to purchase it


aw thank you so much! technically post memory's supposed to be a longer game so I'll update is slowly I think! But I don't know if I'll ever make a paid game since it's just a hobby for me hahah 




Another amazing game from spicaze !! I've been interested in their characters since the first sneak peak of their designs, and you delivered! I love everything from the stylization to the interactions between all the characters, especially Eury I love her so much </3 the themes in this game have always been interesting to me, and Im inlove with your take on it, The subtle implications of what was going on kept me on the edge of my seat through the whole playthrough! I'm  extremely curious about the unreleased routes and the discontinued doctor character, looking forward to seeing them if this game is ever updated :D 


Thank you so much!! I love eury a lot too...I think you can tell from her dialogue haha. And I'm glad you enjoyed the themes!! 

I do want to add the routes and doctor back to the game, hope I can get an update out soon but it'll take a bit!

(Also have a commentary one I guess. I'm unsure if I have done everything that's possible to do in the game atm.)

Very cool game again from you! I like the characters, especially the postmen duo, and Eurydice! They are my favorites in this game. I love their characterization. Graphics are always pretty great! The Lore/Worldbuilding going on in this game, is pretty interesting and pretty good for a game jam. Overall, a very fun one, and can't wait for the update in the future.


thank you!! eurydice is a favorite of mine too! thank you for playing and I hope I'll get the update out soon! 

(1 edit) (+1)

didnt expect to me called a twink in the first like 8 minutes of the game but cool ig

edit: is there an update where i figure out whats going on with the hermit or get it back in blood for Eury from that piece of shit Michel


As always, this one was really awesome. I absolutely love the way that you present the various themes throughout it, every little bit of atmosphere and character dialogue really adds to the experience. All of the characters you use and the ways they're presented are so charming!!! Another great game :)

thank you so much!! I'm glad the atmosphere went through haha 


jfjdslj i love the game its so cool uh i opened it and there was already a save file for 13:12 i dont. think thats intentional. idk. ANYHOO.
When you first meet Eury she says "Don't have a lot of things here. Wish I have a better stock too but that what happens when you're in the middle of nowhere." I would probably replace have with had? idk man this is cool creepy as fuck and there's endings!

im so excited to see monards go insane :) itll be so funny hahah

Went to the church after I failed to convince Cain to help me and if you interact with the statue it will act as if you did manage to convince him in the first place. Convenient but probably not intended :)

This got patched in the newest version! Thanks for the help! 

so those have been reported before


really want to get 500 coins to get a ring for cain but alas there are only like 80 dollars worth of ferns :(

you are so fucking invited to my birthday party wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf

im gonna cry????

thank you for the feedback! I think it's obvious english isn't my first language so thank you for pointing it out! 

Also yeah, the save file is from when I was playtesting and I didn't realize it's in the final version...patched now! 

I hope monards enjoyed it! sorry there's no older women this time...



hope you'll enjoy playing it! nice alicia icon 


I love this game so so much oh my goodness!!! Everything was so amazing, i absolutely love all the characters and their personalities + designs. The map was so cute and the story was amazing i truly loved playing this so much i cant even put it into words <33

thank you so much!!! I'm glad you enjoyed the characters!!!



Hi, I'll have a browser and web version up! 


This game is awesome,love it!


Thank you!!

(2 edits) (+11)

Sorry everyone I posted this game at 6am then passed out. I really appreciate everyone who took the time to help me find the bugs and played it despite it's rough state, they should all be fixed in the next patch! 

Edit: I have a patch ready but uploads are still locked for spooktober judging, I will update it as soon as it's unlocked! (should be soon) 


AAUUWUHGHGWHUHU THIS GAME WAS!!!!!! SO AMAZING!!!! oh my god!!!!!!!!! i am. In so much awe!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!
  all of your games always manage to convey some of the most effective & purposeful atmospheres i've ever gotten to experience.,, and oh my god does every part of this game's atmosphere manage to convey so many things through just that, too!!!!!! the brighter color palette accentuating the lack of activity/happening, and it directly contrasting Rafael's dream (which then gives an unreal quality to the world,) not to even mention the way they're all spaced out contributes so much to setting the precedent that there's something distinctly wrong in the town ,,, everything pulls together into such a foreboding mood, and was conveyed sooosoo beautifully !!!!! it felt super reminiscent of many dystopian novels i've read.,, which i have no clue if is an intended effect,, but it was definitely effective in conveying certain themes !!!ohmuygod!!!
  all the characters' designs were absolutely gorgeous (as they always are,) too !!!!!!!!! all their color palettes were so beyond lovely to look at,, and they all stood out so well as individuals !!! > all their sprites were so perfect at conveying their personality & emotions, too .,, : monday's design being so collected and mostly facing/turned downward,, with his frustrated/angry sprite having a hair out of place,., ; eury having a much more flamboyant (for lack of a better term,,) pose which did such a great job at making her clearly distinct, and unique, from the rest of the people in town.,,, ITS ALL SO GOOD !!! UWHGUHGWUHHU !!!💜💜
  the story was so so far beyond amazing too!!!auuwuhHWHUGHU!!! your dialogue & character dynamics always feel so incredibly authentic and genuine in how they're portrayed.., and ohhboy did it add so much emotion to all the different points of plot !!! i dont think any words can convey how i felt after the interaction cain's (or. previously not just his) apartment, or the closing words of the church ending because dear GOD. UWGHHHHHHH. SO GREAT.!!!!! i have no clue how i got so attached to all these characters in a 30 minute time window. but dear lord did i.
  every game you make is packed so full of things to analyze and think about..,, i am in an incredibly amount of awe you were able to come up with & make all of this in such a short amount of time!!!! i am so incredibly excited to replay later and think about it all even more hawuhwauhu ;; you are !!! so incredibly skilled and talented !!! :"" 💜💜💜


Hi Monard you always post the most thoughtful comments under my games, I can't thank you enough!! :')) I started making games just to tell stories about my characters so I'm really glad you appreciate them as much as you do!

I did contrast it on purpose (the bright world vs how bleak it actually is underneath) to convey the mood so I'm happy you caught it! And making the character sprites was definitely my favorite part of the process haha, I'm glad they managed to convey their personalities well!
I tried a lot of new things for this game and it leans on being more experimental so I wasn't sure if people are going to enjoy it so thank you for telling me your thoughts!! 


lovely game as always!

Thank you!!


I jumped for joy when I got the notification that you had published another game!! :D I really liked this one, it’s insane that you managed to do this much for such a short jam! I’m really interested in the story, and I hope we see some of these characters another time… I'm so interested in the mysteries...

I did find some bugs so I’ll list them here (SPOILERS):

  • “Customers” was spelt “costumers” in the opening scene
  • When you investigate the lost items, the text goes off the screen. “The label says that these see lost items. Items that di…”
  • The text stating that Cain’s room is locked pops up when you walk past the door, not when you interact with it
  • When you try to go to the menu after picking up letters each day, the game stops because “img/pictures/Actor1_6.png” failed to load and you have to leave the game and try again
  • Day 3 dream says something like “A man and a woman chants in prayer” and there’s no period at the end
  • When you go to the secret passageway in the church, the first computer says “Zone 99 - Also known as Nonaginta Town. This special zone has a higher turnaround than other are…” and goes off screen. The next few lines do the same
  • After Monday catches you there, he says “Because once the higher-ups catchw wind of this,” with an extra w
**I wrote this list a couple hours ago, so some of these may be repeats of things people have already said. Sorry!!

Anyways, thanks for making another awesome game! :D

Thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the bugs (sorry), there's definitely still room to tell a lot more! I had to cut some things because of the jam deadline but I might add them back in future patches!

And thank you so much for catching all of these! I'm definitely fixing them all for the next update!


I've encountered a bug in the post office with the approval menu. If you open it, and then press x to back out of the menu it brings up when you press escape while in the post office you get to an inescapable error menu.

Hi! Try going to img > pictures > create or copy the files of ''Actor1_#.png'' & make create ''Actor1_6.png'' in the pictures folder so the game can detect that the file is there. I also recommend making ''Actor1_7.png'' & ''Actor1_8.png'' as well just to be safe.

Thank you so much for telling me, it should be fixed in the next patch. And what Xenvita commented works if you want a quicker fix!


Super fun!! This is the earliest I've been to any game release! The only bugs I've found is I'm unable to access my inventory with X and *SPOILER AHEAD*

if you go to the church after getting less than a 10 at the previous decision, the ending involving the church will still play out. I did thoroughly enjoy this game tho!

thank you so much for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the rough state it's in! And thank you for telling me about the bug, it should be fixed in the next patch! 

(4 edits) (+2)

i found this. in the beginning of the game and when I clicked continue there was a save file in there I did not make also catchw


Hey, thank you so much for telling me about these! I fixed this for the next patch! 

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